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EC Medical Reimbursement Application Form 2: ECMED Evaluation Sheet: Employer Transmittal List (Sickness Benefit Reimbursement Application) ... SSS P.E.S.O. Fund Total Disability Benefit Claim Form: SSS P.E.S.O. Fund Death Benefit Claim Form: Freedom of Information: FOI Request Form: Member Concern: Tagalog Sinumpaang Salaysay For Authorized ...
25 paź 2024 · Here is a list of SSS downloadable forms for active SSS contributory members to submit their appeals and applications.
Ensure that all forms submitted are properly and accurately accomplished. Submit an updated Specimen Signature Card (SS Form L-501) annually. Certify SSS-related documents of EEs when required for their claims. Comply with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Social Security Commission and as implemented by the SSS.
Submit in two (2) copies with properly accomplished SS Form R-1 (Employer Registration), if the employer is not yet registered with the SSS. Submit in two (2) copies to report newly hired/rehired employee/s and present SS Employer ID Card, if the employer is already registered with the SSS.
Register to My.SSS and start transacting online.
Understanding which SSS forms to use and where to access them can simplify the process for both members and employers. Whether you are registering as a new member, applying for a loan, or claiming a benefit, the right SSS forms will help you complete your transactions smoothly.
24 kwi 2018 · The page will display a Comprehensive List of SSS Downloadable forms grouped in Employer or Member forms and organized by the types of Transaction (e.g Benefits, Loans). Browse thru the Form that you need.