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  1. 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada. 86 - Country Code for China. Phone Number (remove initial 0): fixed - area code (2, 3 or 4 digits) plus local number can total 8 to 12 digits, with 10 and 11 digit numbers being most often used. cell phones - 11 digits, 1 is always the first digit.

  2. To call China from Canada, dial: 011 - 86 - Area Code - Land Phone Number 011 - 86 - 11 Digit Mobile Number. Call Canada From China » China area codes » When to call » Calling Mobile Phone. Follow the dialing format shown above while calling China From Canada. 011 - Exit code for Canada, and is needed for making any international call from Canada.

  3. Dial the following international dialing codes: 011 + 86 + 10. + Local Number. How to call Beijing (Peking) in China from Canada: 011 - Exit code when making an international call from Canada. 86 - Chinese country code for inbound calls. 10 - Beijing (Peking) city code. 011 + 86 + 10 + Local Number - International dialing code format.

  4. Dial 011, which is the International Dialing Direct (IDD) number. The IDD is used to initiate an international call. Dial 86, which is the Country Code of China.

  5. To call a phone number in China from Canada dial the following keys: +86 N Where, N is the phone number. If your phone doesn't have the + symbol, press 011 in it's place, which is the international call prefix used in Canada.

  6. Simply find and click the country you wish to call. You'll find instructions on how to call that country using its country code, as well as other helpful information like area codes, ISO country codes, and the kinds of electrical outlets and phone jacks found in that part of the world.

  7. 21 mar 2024 · To Dial a Telephone. Dial the Exit Number of Your Country ==> +86 (Country Code of China) ==> +Area Code of the Chinese City ==> +Telephone Number. For example: if you want to dial the number 12345678 in Beijing from America: 011 (US exit code) + 86 (Chinese country code) + 10 (Beijing area code) + 12345678. To Dail a Cell Phone.

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