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  1. How to Use Chinese Baby Gender Chart? The mother's age in the chart should be the Chinese age at the time of conception. It's usually 1 or 2 years older than your actual age. To get it, please subtract your Chinese lunar birth year from the lunar year you conceived then plus another one year. Chinese Lunar Age Calculate ?

  2. Want to choose the gender of baby? Use the Chinese Gender Selection Calendar to find out the best time to conceive for a baby boy or girl in 2025.

  3. › 10 › FACTSHEET-Conception-Tips-Sponsored-October-2016FACTSHEET - Fertility Network UK

    It's important you prepare your body and adjust your lifestyle to maximise your chances of conception. Here are some tips that can really make a difference to your level of fertility. When trying to conceive it is very important to drink lots of water (about 8-10 cups a day).

  4. Based on the Chinese age of the mother and the year of conception, you can predict the gender of your baby. Know when to conceive for a boy baby in 2025 or which month you need to get pregnant for a baby girl in 2026.

  5. 9 gru 2022 · The Chinese conception chart predicts a baby's sex by using the mother's lunar age and the lunar month of conception. Some people use the chart to make a prediction about whether they are carrying a baby boy or a baby girl before they can have an ultrasound to confirm the sex of their baby.

  6. Planning to get a baby girl or baby boy in 2022? Check the Chinese Gender Selection Chart to get the best conceiving time.

  7. It takes 49 as the base, plus the lunar month of conception, minus the lunar age at conception. If the result is an odd number, it should be a boy; otherwise it is a girl. For example, someone is 31 lunar years old and got pregnant in lunar January, 49+1-31=19, so she should be conceiving a baby boy.

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