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Hey guys, there's a tip how to chew gum and how not to chew gum. Always chew with your mouth closed. Never chew with your mouth open. Never smack your gum. P...
8 maj 2022 · People have started to learn about 'Mewing' and chewing gum for an improved jawline and facial structure. I often find people miss out on the benefits of tongue chewing! In this video I...
How to chew correctly? A lot of people have bad eataing/ chewing patterns The thing i know , is that we must Protract the jaw while opening the mouth to chew , we should move the jaw upside and down , not to the sides , but if you know more about correct chewing , i would apreciate it!
BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO CHEW GUM. Remember that balance is KEY to a healthy (attractive) face. If you work your jaws too much without strengthening your tongue with tongue chewing, your face will look strange or "bloated" as some people say. You need to work your inner U and outer U together to give your face a healthy, well balanced look.
If you have only been chewing gum, practicing tongue chewing alone can help you achieve even better mewing results. How To Do Tongue Chewing With A Gum? Tongue chewing involves flattening a piece of gum on the roof of your mouth and then compressing it as thin and flat as possible.
19 maj 2023 · It’ll be your guide and foundation to becoming a master of silent gum chewing. Selecting the Right Gum: Importance of Texture and Size. The first step to quieter chewing is all about gum choice. Different types of gum have different textures and sizes, which contribute to the noise in distinct ways. Let’s start with the texture of your gum.