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edit: found solution: stores the UNIX time of each game. Open the source of the website, CTRL+F to find the GameID and below it you'll find the UNIX time. Convert that to human time and it's done. Quite tiresome.
Welcome to - in-depth League of Legends player statistics. Track Summoner's champions, mastery, rank, kills, deaths, assists, Riot ID changes.
11 kwi 2023 · Trying to track down your League of Legends time played? Follow along with our quick guide to learn how you can see the amount of time you've spent in-game.
I really want to see how much time I've played, and doesn't work anymore. Are there any ways to guess, with also factoring in norms AND ranked?
If you have Game Launcher installed for Samsung, you can click the 'person' top-right and it shows all the info on time spent for your games. Other than that there are apps on the play store that track time spent on games
League of Legends Tracker is an in-game real-time tracking solution for your League of Legends stats. We calculate your performance to make sure you are on top of the competition. PC Required. Does not support Xbox or Playstation. Track ad-free on all of our sites and apps. Stand out from the crowd with a custom profile.
"Wasted On LoL" is a comprehensive website that provides a detailed breakdown of your time invested in League of Legends. By entering your summoner name, or that of others, the website calculates the total time spent not only in League but also in Teamfight Tactics.