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  1. When you start repaying your student loan, your monthly repayments, what to do if you have 2 jobs or are self-employed, how to get a refund if you've overpaid.

  2. 6 lis 2023 · SLC has provided customers with an easier way of requesting a below threshold refund. Student loan deductions are taken based on a pay period – weekly, fortnightly or monthly - and this...

  3. Find out if you’re due a student loan refund and how to ask for it. There are four ways you could be due a refund. Get a refund if your annual income for a previous tax year was below the...

  4. There’s no need to call us, you can ask for your refund by signing in to your online account. You can check which repayment plan you’re on and check previous thresholds to work out...

  5. 18 paź 2024 · Here is how to submit a student loan refund request: You should land on a page showing “Your Balance” — how much you owe. Below your balance, there should be a “Request a refund” link, click on that and it will take you to a page with your bank details and email address. Click “Send refund request” and that’s it. Now, you wait.

  6. When you start repaying your student loan, your monthly repayments, what to do if you have 2 jobs or are self-employed, how to get a refund if you've overpaid.

  7. 5 lut 2024 · Just in the 2022/23 tax year graduates overpaid around £110 million towards their student loan. People have reclaimed thousands of pounds from the Student Loan Company, and it’s easy to find out if you’re owed a refund.

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