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Exact shipping charges are calculated at the time of checkout based on the number of items, item type, weight, and volume of all the items in the cart. The total shipping cost is calculated by adding a base "Per Shipment" cost and various "Per Item" costs.
Jump to delivery rates and times for your country: A – C ¦ D – F ¦ G – I ¦ J – L ¦ M – O ¦ P – S ¦ T – Z. We determine exact delivery charges at checkout. You can estimate delivery costs by adding the "per delivery" cost and the "per item" or "per kg" cost.
Amazon Global Store offers a variety of delivery options to ensure you receive your order as soon as you need it. During the checkout process, you'll be given the option to choose how your items are delivered.
Shipping rates and estimated delivery times depend on the shipping speed that you select and the weight/size of the items in Your Cart. To determine the applicable shipping rate and Delivery Window for items in Your Cart: Review Your Cart for progress toward the free-shipping threshold. Select Proceed to checkout.
1 lis 2023 · Sellers can calculate their shipping costs using Amazon’s FBA cost calculators or by considering factors such as shipping method, package size and weight, and shipping distance for seller-fulfilled orders.
Now you can use Amazon Shipping for low-cost parcel shipping to your customers. Reliable pickup and delivery—seven days a week—for orders placed on, your own website, or your other sales channels. Packages delivered to your customers in two to five days* - including weekends..
Find the order you want to track. Select Track Package next to your order. View all updates to track delivery progress. If there are many items in your order, each may have separate delivery dates and tracking info. Find solutions to common delivery problems. Your order hasn't shipped yet.