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Exact shipping charges are calculated at the time of checkout based on the number of items, item type, weight, and volume of all the items in the cart. The total shipping cost is calculated by adding a base "Per Shipment" cost and various "Per Item" costs.
FREE Two-Day Shipping on eligible items to addresses in the contiguous US and other shipping benefits. For more information, go to Amazon Prime Shipping Benefits. FREE Same-Day Delivery in eligible zip codes. For more information, go to Order with Prime FREE Same-Day Delivery.
We show the cost of shipping in the order form and order confirmation. The following are the most common reasons why shipping costs may apply: You Ordered Through Amazon Marketplace. You Ordered a Product that's not Eligible for Free Shipping.
Jump to delivery rates and times for your country: A – C ¦ D – F ¦ G – I ¦ J – L ¦ M – O ¦ P – S ¦ T – Z. We determine exact delivery charges at checkout. You can estimate delivery costs by adding the "per delivery" cost and the "per item" or "per kg" cost.
28 sie 2023 · For Amazon Prime members, shipping is free if your order qualifies and goes over $25 in certain cities or $2.99 per order. Before you create an order, check if the address to which you’re...
Click the “Calculate” button to see the estimated shipping cost. The calculator uses the following parameters to calculate the shipping cost: Weight and Volume: It considers the higher of the actual weight and volumetric weight. Distance: It multiplies the distance by a per-kilometer rate.
1 lis 2023 · Amazon offers two main subscription plans: Annual Subscription: $99 per year. This is the most cost-effective option for those who intend to use Prime throughout the year. Monthly Subscription: $9.99 per month for those who prefer a more flexible commitment.