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Use the following calculators to estimate the number of calories burned during certain activities based on either activity duration or distance (only for walking, running, or cycling). To estimate the calories consumed each day, use our Calorie Calculator.
- Ideal Weight
Ideal Weight Calculator. The Ideal Weight Calculator...
- Calorie Calculator
For example, if your target calorie intake is 14,000...
- Due Date
While the due date is often estimated as a single date, it...
- BMR Calculator
BMR = 1,717 Calories/day. Daily calorie needs based on...
- Body Fat
Note that the results of these calculations are only an...
30 - 35: 1.2- 1.4: Obese Class II: 35 - 40: 1.4 - 1.6: Obese...
- Ideal Weight
A calorie calculator for runners. Calculates the calories burned by running a variety of distances and durations at different paces
24 lip 2024 · Calculate calories burned during running and on a treadmill with our Running Calorie Calculator – fast and accurate.
23 maj 2024 · How Many Calories Does Running a Mile Burn? Running a mile typically burns somewhere in the neighborhood of 80-140 calories, depending primarily on your weight, though there are other variables that affect the amount of calories you burn while running.
30 lip 2024 · Calories burned calculator finds out how many calories – and kilograms – you lost while exercising.
Looking to calculate how many calories you burn while running? Our Calories Burned Running Calculator can help! Simply enter your weight, the distance you ran, and the time it took you to complete the run, and our calculator will estimate the number of calories burned during your workout.
Calculate the calories you burn while running given your body weight, pace, and duration. Working up a sweat by running can burn a ton of calories. Just how many depends on the intensity and the duration of your runs, along with your gender and body weight. You can estimate your caloric burn from running by using a MET calculator.