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  1. Sexual harassment is unwanted, deliberate or repeated sexual behavior. Sexual harassment can include the display of sexually suggestive objects, signs, magazines, or pictures, or the sending of sexually suggestive emails or text messages to persons who do not want this attention.

  2. Illinois law requires all parties to a public contract and all eligible bidders to have a written sexual harassment policy covering their employees and applicants for employment. This requirement applies regardless of the number of persons employed or the dollar value of any public contract.

  3. › documents › sexualharassmentmodelpolicystatementSEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY - Illinois

    definition of sexual harassment According to the Illinois Human Rights Act, sexual harassment is defined as: Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or any conduct of a sexual nature

  4. Victims of sexual harassment have the right to report the harassment and seek legal remedies. In the state of Illinois, there are two main ways to file a complaint of sexual harassment: through the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) or through a civil lawsuit.

  5. The Illinois Human Rights Act protects Illinois employees and students from sexual harassment. The law is enforced by the Illinois Department of Human Rights. Employers who are public contractors and bidders are required to have a written policy which states that sexual harassment is illegal. The policy should also include the legal definition ...

  6. The policy should include the legal definition of sexual harassment, a description of sexual harassment (including examples), internal procedures for investigating complaints, and any penalties for violating the policy.

  7. Illinois sexual harassment law imposes strict liability on employers for sexual harassment committed by their managers and supervisors regardless of whether the employee suffers any tangible employment action such as termination, demotion, or some other adverse employment action.