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Patients without insurance or any other third-party payer source, who are not eligible for government assistance or our hospital’s Charity Care Discount, will receive a discount from the hospital’s billed charges, referred to as the “Uninsured Discount.”
Patients confirmed to be uninsured (or their responsible party) will be presented with an Uninsured Patient Information document that provides information on the Uninsured Discount Policy and other available discounts and payment options.
Patient Advocates help the uninsured in Florida. They can direct them to medical services and help them find assistance for unpaid bills or debt. They also help the uninsured find affordable, or free health insurance in Florida or other sources of medical care.
11 lut 2020 · This article provides a nine step approach for lower-income Americans to reduce or avoid their hospital bills. Step 1: Don’t Prematurely Pay Even Part of the Hospital Bill. Depending on the state and the patient’s income, the bill may be waived in whole or significantly reduced—there is no benefit in making payments that may not be owed.
Residents can turn to several federal, state, local, and NGO programs that seek to offer access to affordable healthcare and can help with medical bills in Florida. DoNotPay can help you ask for an extension on your bill's due date by crafting the letter on your behalf.
Like many Americans, Floridians currently experience hardship due to high healthcare costs. All told, 55% of Florida adults experienced one or more of the following healthcare affordability burdens in the prior 12 months: 1) Being Uninsured Due to High Premium Costs
Florida's Healthcare Exchange provides available health plans for uninsured Americans offered by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (also known as Obamacare). There are navigators that can help you enroll into these insurance plans for free.