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14 lis 2023 · Beet pulp is a mainstay of many feeding programs for horses. This highly digestible feed is a good source of soluble fiber that supports hindgut function and helps meet energy requirements. Beet pulp is a by-product of sugar extraction from beets and is typically low in starch and sugar.
26 lut 2024 · If you are needing to stretch hay or have a hard keeper or a horse with poor dentition you can feed up to 50% of the dietary forage as beep pulp (dry weight). So for a 1,200-pound horse...
5 cze 2024 · Beet pulp is a low-cost, highly digestible form of fiber (greater than or equal to that of most hays) that offers many nutritional benefits for horses. The microbes in the horse’s hindgut can easily ferment and use it for energy production, Vineyard says.
4 wrz 2024 · Despite being a byproduct, beet pulp is valued as a feed supplement for horses due to its high fiber content and low sugar levels. It comes in two forms: shredded and pelleted. Shredded beet pulp is loose and looks like small strips, while pelleted beet pulp is compressed into small, round pellets.
29 kwi 2024 · Beet pulp is a low-cost, highly digestible form of fiber (greater than or equal to that of most hays) that offers many nutritional benefits for horses. The microbes in the horse’s hindgut can...
Beet pulp is an excellent ingredient for complete horse feeds, where no hay or a limited amount of hay or pasture is fed, such as feeds for older horses or horses with respiratory problems such as heaves.
2 cze 2022 · Mixed in with the horse’s feed along with grass pellets (e.g. Timothy pellets or alfalfa pellets) beet pulp is nutritious, a concentrated source of calories and a high quality form of fiber. Beet pulp is a good choice for senior horses and at-risk horses.