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  1. Horace’s Epodes: Context, Intertexts, and Reception, ed. Philippa Bather and Claire Stocks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, xiv + 279 pp., ISBN 978-0-19-874605-8. £70 (hardback)

  2. The Epodes (Latin: Epodi or Epodon liber; also called Iambi) are a collection of iambic poems written by the Roman poet Horace. They were published in 30 BC and form part of his early work alongside the Satires .

  3. The poetry of Horace (born 65 BCE) is richly varied, its focus moving between public and private concerns, urban and rural settings, Stoic and Epicurean thought. Here is a new Loeb Classical Library edition of the great Roman poet's Odes and Epodes, a fluid translation facing the Latin text.

  4. 14 mar 2023 · Horace's Epodes is a book of 17 poems, published around 30-29 BCE. It contains many of the earliest poems of Quintus Horatius Flaccus, better known as Horace (65-8 BCE); some were written before his...

  5. Horace The Odes, Epodes, Satires, Epistles, Ars Poetica and Carmen Saeculare. A new complete downloadable English translation of the Odes and other poetry translations including Lorca, Petrarch, Propertius, and Mandelshtam.

  6. Introducing his iambic predecessor via the learned Hellenistic flourish of an embedded signature (dux reget examen ~ Ἀρχί-λοχοϛ, literally ‘rule-swarm’), 15 Horace here presents his Epodes as updated iambs for his own age: Archilochean in form and spirit, but not in subject matter or technique.

  7. The Epodes, with the first book of the Satires, were Horace's first published work. They consist of a collection of seventeen poems in different versions of the iambus, the metre traditionally associated with lampoon.

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