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Check out today's video all about chipmunks!Follow us on Twitter:
Basic facts about Hopi Chipmunk: lifespan, distribution and habitat map, lifestyle and social behavior, mating habits, diet and nutrition, population size and status.
Hopi chipmunks are small chipmunks with buffy and gray patchwork coloring. Their top parts have black stripes highlighted with orange-red running down their back. They have pale white stripes on their face, and the lower one goes up under its ears.
Hopi chipmunks are naturally timid, and even individuals born in captivity never become tame. Like Panamint chipmunks, they live in southwestern pinyon-juniper forests and nest in rock crevices or piles of broken rock. They are fast and sure-footed on the sheer rock faces of canyons and buttes.
In this video, we're going to learn some Chipmunk Facts for Kids! We'll learn things like where Chipmunks live, what Chipmunks eat, and more!Watch this video...
Many chipmunks | Animal names and sounds | Learn English for Kids - Kids vocabularyThe channel specializes in teaching English to children under 10 years old...
Chipmunks are part of the squirrel family, and while they look similar to their bushy-tailed cousins, chipmunks are actually smaller, with alternating light and dark stripes along their cheeks...