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  1. QRP Manual Antenna Tuner Diy Kit V2. Welcome to to get the latest information. The kit can be through the T network resonant antenna, to make the radio work normally. Change SWR, corrections due to external reasons not tuned antenna.

  2. I decided to build a homebrew antenna tuner because I needed a passive pre-selector network to match an experimental end-fed wire antenna to my QS1R SDR receiver. Please Note: In the last version of my modified FRI-Match (diagram above), I replaced the 470 pf variable capacitors with 500 pf.

  3. It’s an ATU, antenna tuning unit, aka coupler, matchbox, or whatever your preferred term is for an impedance matching unit. It was given to me by Graham, VK2DIG, on the condition that I work out how it works. This article describes my findings. First impressions… it’s homebrew, made evident by hand written labels on the front panel, but well

  4. 28 cze 2014 · Homebrew Antenna Tuner. Steve Yates - AA5TB. For years I've thrown together simple antenna tuners to get me on the air when needed. Whenever I would go to a sidewalk sale or hamfest I would pick up any components that might someday come in handy to make an antenna tuner.

  5. BUILD AN HF ANTENNA TUNER MAKE A HOMEBREW HF-VHF ANTENNA TUNER (It really isn't all that difficult.) This page details several T-match tuners. By comparing them, you should be able to construct a tuner to your own particular requirements.

  6. Shorter-than-full-sized antennas (e.g. loaded whips, dipoles, small loops) will have whackier impedances and much much narrower matching frequencies. Antenna tuner almost always needed for those….

  7. designs. Let us be very clear, there is nothing overly unique about this design. There are several reference designs similar in the years gone past, and in fairness, this design is not overly complex either. It basically combines two main types of circuits. 1) Tuner 2) SWR Indicator