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I hitched them up and we went looking for my parents. Podciągnąłem ich i poszliśmy szukać moich rodziców. Old enough to be hitched, and it's been two months already. Wystarczająco stary, by został uwiązany, i było dwoma miesiącami już. Once you're hitched, it may feel like something has to give.
- Without a Hitch
without a hitch - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co...
- Hitching Post
The long hitching post gave way to a parking lot.. Just run...
- Hitch Pin
Sheba had somehow pulled her hitch pin and wandered off.....
- Podróżowanie autostopem
podróżowanie autostopem - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz...
- Kamasze
kamasze - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz definicja. Co znaczy...
- Hitchhiker
This has been the site of a female phantom hitchhiker. To...
- Zaczepić
zaczepić - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz definicja. Co...
- Węzeł
węzeł - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i...
- Without a Hitch
Ever wondered where love idioms come from? You know, ones like 'falling head over heels' and 'getting htiched' and 'tie the knot', let us explain.
The phrase "get hitched" means 'get married.' When someone says they are planning to "get hitched", they are expressing their intention to enter into a legally recognized partnership with their romantic partner and formalize their commitment to each other.
Explore the term 'Get Hitched' and its meaning in the context of marriage. Understand its etymological origins, cultural significance, and usage in modern language.
"Getting Hitched" is a slang term that refers to the act of getting married. It's a phrase that has been used for decades and is still commonly used today, although it may be considered outdated by some.
E. Dahlberg Bottom Dogs 233: Everybody said outside after sunday church was over, that it was a jesus pity that a good, worked-to-deathed woman should be hitched up to a godless man like Jeremy Maxwell.
Getting hitched is considered slang, but it has a widely accepted meaning which I’ll cover right here and show you how it works within a sentence. What Is the Meaning of Hitched? The basic term “hitched” means to connect two objects together. A great example is a camping trailer.