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Check records of past weather: explore how hot or cold it got through the week, how much rain or snow/sleet/hail fell, and how deep any snow was on the ground. Check what the weather was like on specific dates in history: did a snowstorm affect voter turnout on an election day?
Find and view past weather and climate data by station name or identifier, ZIP code, city, county, state, or country. Mapping Tool » Access past weather and climate data using a collection of specialized tools. Data Tools »
Find historical weather by searching for a city, zip code, or airport code. Include a date for which you would like to see weather history. You can select a range of dates in the...
The NCEI Past Weather Tool allows users to search for historical temperature, precipitation, snowfall, and snow depth data for individual weather stations across the United States, as well as many international locations.
Records of observations including details such as precipitation, wind, snowfall, and radar data. Read more about the datasets and view data samples. Select Date Range. Defaults to the latest available year for the selected dataset or product but can be set to any date range within the available period of record. Search For
This map shows the historic date by which there's a 50% chance of at least 0.1" of snow on the ground, based on snowfall data from 1981-2010. Compare projected changes in downhill ski season length by 2050 if we follow a moderate versus a high pathway of carbon emissions.
Use the interactive map to search for temperature and precipitation normals by station, zip code, city, county, or state as well as other normals variables, which include snowfall, heating and cooling degree days, frost and freeze dates, and growing degree days.