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The helium dimer is a van der Waals molecule with formula He 2 consisting of two helium atoms. [2] This chemical is the largest diatomic molecule —a molecule consisting of two atoms bonded together.
Hel (He, łac. helium) – pierwiastek chemiczny o liczbie atomowej 2, z grupy helowców (gazów szlachetnych) w układzie okresowym [4]. Jest po wodorze drugim najbardziej rozpowszechnionym pierwiastkiem we wszechświecie, jednak na Ziemi występuje wyłącznie w śladowych ilościach.
Liquid helium (He-4) exists in 2 forms: He-4 I and He-4 II, with a sharp transition point at 2.174 K (3.83 cm Hg) Haynes, W.M. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 94th Edition.
30 cze 2023 · Gas and plasma phases. Helium is naturally found in the gas state. Helium is the second least reactive element and noble gas (after neon). Its low atomic mass, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and sound speed are greatest after hydrogen.
19 gru 2023 · According to the Molecular Orbital Theory, the Helium Formula is not written as He 2. However, the Helium gas formula He 2 is sometimes correct because, in the liquid phase, the Van Der-Waal force between them becomes dominant.
28 lip 2023 · Helium Gas Formula. Helium is a non-metallic gas with the formula \(\text{He}\). The atomic number of helium is 2, and its atomic mass is 4.003 g/mol. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which liquefies at a very low temperature of -268.9 ℃. It is a non toxic and non combustible gas.
13 paź 2023 · Helium is a safe and non-flammable element, denoted by He with a chemical formula of He gas. It has an atomic number of 2 and is the first noble gas in the periodic table, making it chemically inert. This monatomic gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless.