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  1. Learning the Aleph-Bet (Hebrew Character Set) 1. Note on the names of the Hebrew letters: The first letter of the Hebrew name for the character is always the character itself (Compare the English names for the letters F, L, M, N, R, S, U, W, X, and Y).

  2. › handouts › alphabet_chartThe Hebrew Alphabet

    Pointers for Learning the Hebrew Alphabet 1. Hebrew is written right-to-left. The vowels go under the consonant, so you must first read the consonant and then the vowel that’s underneath it. For example, as “sa.” Similarly, is read as is read as boré. 2. Listen to the recording of the alphabet song and the sounds and attempt to reproduce ...

  3. Hebrew also uses the letters of the alphabet as numerals. The first 10 letters have the values 1 – 10; other letters have higher values such as 50 and 100. It works rather like the Roman system except that the position of the letter is irrelevant, their values are simply added.

  4. There are about 23 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Some letters have more than one sound and some have special forms used at the end of words. Each letter has a numeric value used in gematria that I will include for your reference. Let’s get started! 2

  5. kaph: kaph (final): lamed: mem: mem (final): nun: nun (final): samek: ‘ayin: pe:

  6. Aleph Hey Yud Nun Tsadi Tav א ה י נ צ ך ת Bet Vav Kaf Samech Koof ּב ו ּכ ס ק Zayin Ayin Resh Vet ב ז Chaf כ ע ר Gimel Chet Lamed Pay Shin ג ח ...

  7. Hebrew letters / Aleph-Bet activity sheets for anyone learning/teaching the Hebrew alphabet. Great for classroom use or as a learning activity for children at home. Each sheet focuses on one letter from the Hebrew aleph-bet, and includes a coloring exercise, writing, and spelling of words that begin with each letter.

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