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29 lis 2023 · I feel kinda sorry to be the one tellling this but: Builds people are using with rainbow mage right now are terrible. They aren’t just bad. They are just a entire different level behind what it can be by insisting in poor card choices and not embracing the new expansion.
Deck Class Updated Score; Sif Rainbow Mage – #199 Legend (Onkrad) – Perils in Paradise
Overall there are some pay to win highlander decks but nothing feels as unfair as facing a mage highlander deck. I just went against one that finished the game with nearly 30 armor, removed every minion I put down (sometimes just countering it).
I've been determined to make Mage work in this meta, and much to my surprise, Rainbow Mage is just fine. Like any deck, it has it's good and bad matchups, but I feel like the deck is well positioned (and about to be better positioned) for climbing.
Anyone have good rainbow mage decklists for badlands? Is it worth running the excavate or maybe secret package?
1 sie 2023 · Budget Hearthstone Decks. Best Standard Meta Decks. ... Rainbow Mage. Posted By: Feno - Published: August 1, 2023 - Updated: 1 year ago - Dust Cost: 10,200 Tweet. Class: Mage - Format: wolf - Season: season-112. Edit in Deck Builder. MAGE (29) 1 Arcane Artificer 2;
Aggro is the answer. aggro pala aggro DH would rush rainbow mages finely. Any control deck would have a hard time against combo decks. so if your theo and dirty rats didn’t work juts concede. If you trust the VS Live data, Rainbow mage has a winning matchup into pure pally. Yup I hate playing mage in high legend with pure pally.