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The heart is an important part of the cardiovascular system. What can you do to keep your heart healthy? What should you avoid doing? What can happen if the cardiovascular system becomes unhealthy? Your heart is a muscle about the size of your fist. Compare it to other muscles. Can you control it like you do the muscles in your arms or legs?
Heart Rate 60 000/ RR ... LAD LAD RAD 0 +120 +180-90 Lead I Lead aVF +90 NW Axis Superior Axis Normal. Left Axis Deviation is NEVER normal (When QRS is –ve in aVF) Causes of LAD in Pediatrics 1. ... LAD Short PR Delta waves Wide QRS Absent Q in V6 WPW. 82 #11: 11 yrs Wandering pacemaker Normal, PAC’s. 83
29 cze 2021 · In general, a positive R wave in V1 in an older child indicates right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) [1]. An abnormally tall R wave in V6 usually indicates left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Unlike in adults, there is not a universal threshold for diagnosing hypertrophy in children.
9 sie 2024 · Use this EKG interpretation cheat sheet that summarizes all heart arrhythmias in an easy-to-understand fashion. One of the most useful and commonly used diagnostic tools is electrocardiography (EKG) which measures the heart’s electrical activity as waveforms.
• Understand how the heart circulates blood in the body and the role of arteries and veins Materials: • Beanbags or small balls for tossing • Nametags/signs (VEIN, HEART, LUNGS, ARTERY, BODY) Class Time: 20 minutes Activity: Every time your heart beats, it pushes blood through your body. The right side of your heart receives blood from
This Science primary resources explains the function of the human heart and how it works. How does the heart pump blood around the body? Why is it so important? How strong is the human heart? In our National Geographic Kids Science primary resource, pupils will learn about the anatomy of the human heart and its role within the circulatory system.
30 paź 2023 · In this worksheet we’ll be focusing on the arteries of the cardiovascular system, but you can test your knowledge of the veins and organs using our interactive cardiovascular system quizzes further down the page.