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  1. 10 sty 2024 · 3. Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic, but some experts advise against using hydrogen peroxide rinses because it causes more irritation to tissues. It is also dangerous if it is swallowed. Talk to your doctor before using hydrogen peroxide to treat mouth sores. 4. Essential oils

  2. 19 sty 2024 · Hydrogen peroxide promotes the healing of a canker sore by cleaning the sore and reducing bacteria in your mouth. To use: Dilute a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water.

  3. 9 paź 2022 · 5. Hydrogen peroxide for mouth sores. Because of its disinfectant power, oxygenated water can also be used as a home remedy to relieve the discomfort of mouth sores, according to this study conducted by researchers at the University of Barcelona.

  4. 9 sty 2023 · Yes, you can use hydrogen peroxide on a canker sore. A review in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research advises mixing a solution composed of half hydrogen peroxide and half water. (Take special care to not swallow the solution.)

  5. 7 sty 2022 · Hydrogen Peroxide. Another effective home remedy for canker sores is using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic that naturally kills bacteria in your mouth, allowing your body to heal more effectively.

  6. 11 cze 2022 · Hydrogen peroxide is another useful home remedy for canker sores. It has antiseptic qualities and may help the sores heal . You can apply hydrogen peroxide directly to the blister with a cotton swab or you can dilute it in water to make a mouthwash.

  7. 24 cze 2022 · Hydrogen Peroxide rinse is a mild antiseptic that can help with irritation caused by canker sores. Some need to be mixed with water before using, while others are ready to use as they are.