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  1. The Dutch educational system in divided in 2 ways. ⇒ According to age: – Elementary school (till the age of 12) – Secondary school (high school), from the age of 12 to 16, 17 or 18. ⇒ Further education after secondary school (high school): according to level: mbo (ROC), hbo (HAN University of Applied Sciences) or university (Radboud University).

  2. Higher vocational education (HBO) The 43 HBO institutions in the Netherlands together offer 200 programmes in a wide range of disciplines. They provide theoretical and practical training for occupations for which a higher vocational qualification is either required or useful.

  3. 9 kwi 2024 · After secondary education, the Dutch education system also has three main routes for education: MBO, HBO, or WO. Students who attended HAVO or WVO schools can choose one of the Dutch university options (HBO or WO), while students who attended a VMBO in high school are limited to MBOs.

  4. I want to apply for the HBO program so that I can use my first year diploma as an application into a WO program. My concern is that; when do the results of the first year HBO come out to ensure an immediate transition into the WO program the following year since I would also be using this HBO result to get into the WO program.

  5. Upon completion of the pre-master, the HBO graduate is able to enroll in the target Masters program that the pre-master grants access to. However, an HBO bachelor graduate is able to directly enroll in a 'research' university Masters's degree abroad.

  6. There are 2 types of higher education in the Netherlands: higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO); and. research-oriented higher education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO). There are separate types of higher education institutions for HBO and WO.

  7. I know that if you have an HBO diploma and you want to pursue a masters in the Netherlands you have to do a pre-masters first, but most other countries make no such distinction and I know people who went on to do their masters in places like Denmark right after graduating.