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These newspapers recorded events & were active agents in shaping Hawaiian history and preserving Hawaiian language (Chapin, 1). There is evidence that more than 1,000 separately titled papers & were the primary means of communication until 1976 and the introduction of live televised news.
The Hawaiian language takes its name from the largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago, Hawaii (Hawaiʻi in the Hawaiian language). The island name was first written in English in 1778 by British explorer James Cook and his crew members. They wrote it as "Owhyhee" or "Owhyee".
Hawaiian literacy was said to be universal. “Historically, Hawaiian was the language spoken by the vast majority of the people living in Hawaiʻi, at least until the mid- to late 1800s… Hawaiians had the highest literacy rate in the world, and the Hawaiian-language newspapers had the largest circulation per capita of any newspapers in the world.”
11 kwi 2020 · Until the end of the last century, the Hawaiian language was strong and growing in nature. Thanks to the missionaries, the written language began to be documented, and a vast body of written literature was gradually developed.
As the title suggests, this book promises to describe the past, present, and future of the Hawaiian language. It is not designed to help teach the language but instead to provide a background for language teaching and learning by telling teachers and students about the language and its history.
25 sie 2022 · ‘Ōpūkahai‘a, a native Hawaiian man who made his way to Connecticut and converted to Christianity there, began developing a system of writing the Hawaiian language that incorporated both number and letters. He died in 1818 before returning to Hawai‘i, and his system was unused.
31 mar 2017 · Hawaiian is one such language that has passed through most phases of language evolution. It has developed over centuries from other Polynesian languages, flourished, declined, and, at near death, has been revitalized.