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Sarcomas can grow anywhere in the body, but they most often appear as a lump or bump on the arms and legs. Bone sarcomas can be more difficult to detect. While sarcoma can be a deadly disease, the good news is that it's also very rare.
23 lip 2024 · Lipomas are soft, small, and rubbery lumps located just beneath the skin. Most appear on the shoulders, upper back, arms, buttocks, and upper thighs. They typically don't cause pain and may move if you push on them gently. Lipomas don't require treatment unless they cause discomfort or are unsightly.
27 lis 2024 · Lumps can form under the skin for many reasons, including cysts or swollen lymph nodes. Often they don’t require treatment, but if they change in size or appearance, contact a doctor for an exam.
22 lis 2023 · There are many causes of a hard lump under the skin, including lipomas, swollen lymph nodes, and several types of cyst. Learn more about hard lumps under the skin here.
30 sty 2023 · Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a type of cancerous tumor that can grow in the body’s soft tissues. If it occurs in the thigh, it may feel like a person has a lump in their thigh, though...
7 wrz 2022 · A soft tissue sarcoma lump on the outside of the body can appear suddenly as a rounded mass beneath the skin, usually on your arm, leg, chest, or torso. It can be soft or firm and grows noticeably bigger in weeks and months after it is first discovered.
The most common symptom of soft tissue sarcoma is a lump somewhere on your body. It's usually found deep under your skin and you may feel it before you see it. The lump is usually solid to the touch, painless and hard to move around under the skin.