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Computer programs have been developed to calculate the radiation patterns and gain for the following types of antennas, as used by administrations, for HF broadcasting and other services: arrays of half-wave horizontal dipoles; quadrant antennas and horizontal dipoles; log-periodic antennas; tropical antennas; rhombic antennas and vertical ...
This document describes how HF (13.56 MHz) antennas can be built and tuned so that their characteristics match the requirements of the Texas Instruments’ high performance S6000 and S6500 readers and third party RF modules.
The Basics. Ward Silver NØAX. Antennas radiate (or receive) because electrons are accelerated (or are caused to accelerate) in the antenna’s elements. Radio or electromagnetic waves are both an E- (electric) and H- (magnetic) field. Electrons move parallel to E-fields. Strongest radiation from accelerating electrons linearly (back and forth)
We demonstrate that antenna placement and PCB geometry have a critical impact on gain and radiation patterns.With this insight, to ensure optimum outcomes, we encourage engineers to include antenna design consider-ations in the earliest phase of wireless product planning. The Ground Plane is Part of the Antenna.
A few sample patterns are included to illustrate some of the possible outputs of the calculation procedure. The real performance of antennas encountered in practice will deviate to a certain extent from its analytically calculated characteristics.
This thesis investigates the performance of various configurations of tactical High Frequency (HF) field deployable antennas in the presence of lossy earth. Antennas in-vestigated include horizontal dipoles, short sloping wires, inverted vees, and monopoles with buried and elevated radials.
The radiation pattern (RP) (or antenna pattern) is the representation of a radiation property of the antenna as a function of the angular coordinates. The trace of the angular variation of the received/radiated power at a constant radius from the antenna is called the power pattern.