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  1. 114 - Six-Band Wire-Stub Trap Antenna for 40m-10m 115 - Multiband Half-Wave Delta-Loop Antenna 116 - Hybrid Vee for 20m, 17m 117 - Six-Shooter Array Antenna, Gain=7.5dB 118 - Multiband Ground-Plane Antenna for 10m, 15m, 20m 119 - Wire Superbeam Antenna for 10m, 15m, 20m 120 - Two Elements Delta-Loop Antenna 121 - Sterba Curtain Antenna

  2. Antennas & Projects 20.1 ANTENNA BASICS very ham needs at least one antenna, and most hams have built one. This chapter, by Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH, covers theory and construction of antennas for most radio amateurs. Here you’ll find simple verticals and dipoles, as well as quad and Yagi projects and other antennas that you can build and use.

  3. Random Length Radiator Wire Antenna. 6 Windom Antenna. 7 Windom Antenna - Feed with coax cable. 8 Quarter Wavelength Vertical Antenna . 9 Folded Marconi Tee Antenna. 10 Zeppelin Antenna. 11 EWE Antenna. 12 ... Wire_Antennas_for_Ham_Radio Created Date: 2/12/2012 10:22:31 PM ...

  4. What you are about to read and hopefully use, is a compilation of many easy and fun ham radio and shortwave listening antenna projects that John, KL7JR, and myself have put together in this form that we believe can get you on the air and make those contacts or improve your SW listening experience.

  5. Wire Antennas for the Beginner Every ham knows how to make and install wire antennas. But if you've never done it, you probably have a few questions. Here are some answers. realizable goal for a Novice station using one antenna on four bands is to work all states and Canadian provinces, along with some casual DX (Europe and South

  6. › wordpress › wp-contentAntennas 101 - W4BFB

    Antennas for HF base use. Simple wire antennas. • resonant dipole, either as flat-top or inverted V. 1⁄2 wavelength horizontal dipole. Best angle between the elements is 90 - 120 degrees. It does not have to stand completely vertical. 1⁄2 wave folded dipole. Loop Antennas.

  7. The antenna designs presented here are specifically cut to the dimensions necessary f or proper operation in 140 -150 MHz VHF band. Each chapter deals with a particular design and an extra chapter at the last part is added to help the constructor in converting the given antenna dimensions for other frequencies.

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