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  1. 28 cze 2009 · Ashwaubenon - Thousands of amateur radio operators this weekend are demonstrating their abilities to provide emergency communications in the event of a crisis. The Green Bay Mike and Key Club organized a demonstration for the public on the use of amateur radio Saturday afternoon at Ashwaubomay Park.

  2. 17 kwi 2018 · SQUIRL Field Day Logger makes all log entries to easily readable text files based on your callsign, band, and mode. For example, if you are working 20 meters sideband under the call K8DAA, entries would be logged to a file called K8DAA-20M-SSB.txt. All callsigns, modes, and bands are supported.

  3. Looking to pick up a small, inexpensive portable computer to use with my IC-705, to start using all the digital modes like FT-8, PSK31, etc. and all of the other HAM activities that take place on a computer, such as logging, reverse beacons, CHIRP, WSJT-X, and preferably a low enough power draw for solar charging.

  4. 8 lut 2024 · Download Ham Radio Deluxe for free. Ham Radio Deluxe provides a customizable interface to control your amateur transceiver using its built...

  5. QARTest is a free logging software for HAM radio HF and VHF contests. Simple yet fast and powerful, it manages a variety of CW, Phone and RTTY contests.

  6. 20 cze 2017 · ARRL Field Day is upon us! If you’re still in the dark about how to use the logging software that your club or group will employ this weekend, these videos may help. For those logging with the popular N3FJP Amateur Radio Software, developer Scott Davis, N3FJP has posted an 11-minute Quick Start video that should be sufficient to get you going.

  7. For PC I use N1MM. For Linux I use CQRLOG, but it took me some tinkering to get it to work. I have no experience with Apple OS. I would recommend N1MM for PC.

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