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Below lists all currency codes of the world along with the corresponding currency full names. You can click the currency full name (such as "Australian Dollar") to view its detailed information. If you want to view some currency symbols, please refer to our Currency Symbols page.
- Rwanda Franc
Rwanda Franc - Currency Symbols - FX Exchange Rate
- Moroccan Dirham
Moroccan Dirham - Currency Symbols - FX Exchange Rate
- Mauritius Rupee
Short: MUR Long: Mauritius Rupee Country: Mauritius, Symbol:...
- Vietnam Dong
Vietnam Dong - Currency Symbols - FX Exchange Rate
- Papua New Guinea Kina
It lists the mutual conversions between the Australian...
- Sri Lanka Rupee
Sri Lanka Rupee - Currency Symbols - FX Exchange Rate
- Kenyan Shilling
Kenyan Shilling - Currency Symbols - FX Exchange Rate
- Jamaican Dollar
Jamaican Dollar(JMD) Exchange Rates Today - Jamaican Dollar...
- Rwanda Franc
This page lists global currency symbols used to denote that a number is a monetary value, such as the dollar sign "$", the Pound sign "£", and the Euro sign "€". This list is constantly under development and we rely on input from users like you to keep it as complete and accurate as possible.
21 paź 2024 · The following are the most common world currency symbols: $ (US dollar, many other currencies), € (Euro), £ (British pound), ¥ (Japanese yen), ₹ (Indian rupee), C$ (Canadian dollar), A$ (Australian dollar) and R$ (Brazilian real).
1 lip 2024 · Complete list of all currency symbols, codes, names and abbreviations. Including popular currencies such as the dollar sign $, Pound sign £, Euro € sign, Japanese Yen ¥ and many more currencies.
2 maj 2020 · There are 180 currencies of the world in use. This list shows the major currency of every country (and some territories) with their code and symbol.
30 lip 2020 · Table of ISO currency codes & symbols by country (ISO 4217) for over 140 currencies of the world listed alphabetically by currency name.
14 cze 2024 · This list showcases the diverse range of monetary symbols used across different nations, from the widely recognized dollar symbol ($) to the unique and distinctive symbols of lesser-known...