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A bookstore voucher allows a financial aid recipient to purchase or rent books and purchase educational supplies at the UAMS Online Bookstore. All items purchased with a bookstore voucher will be charged directly to the student’s account.
29 sie 2024 · UAMS has partnered with online bookstore Akademos/TextbookX to provide textbook support to students and faculty. Please see these helpful tutorials about using the Akademos/TextbookX Online Bookstore. When you enter the bookstore site from the button above you will see the page below.
15 wrz 2022 · In your Go Math! book, writing and drawing on the pages will help you think deeply about what you are learning, help you truly understand math, and most important, help you become a confident user of mathematics!
Here are instructions for using GUS on your smartphone. For general instructions on how to use the GUS Student Information. For further instructions on how to use GUS to enroll in classes.
16 maj 2016 · GUS Overview: Student Users Welcome to the new Gateway for UAMS Students (GUS), your online home for enrollment, grades, student profile updates, and more. Beginning with the Fall 2016 semester, most UAMS students will self‐enroll for coursework using GUS.
31 mar 2022 · "GO Math! offers an engaging and interactive approach to covering the Common Core State Standards. Our GO Math! Student Edition (Grade 2) is write-in with embedded practice pages so students record their strategies, explanations, solutions, practice and test prep right in their books. ...
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