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Each year, students are required to complete the Annual Student Data Verification assigned to them via the GUS Student Center. The annual verification allows the student to update and verify addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contacts.
23 lut 2023 · Podstawowa zbiorcza publikacja GUS zawierająca kluczowe statystyki dotyczące Polski oraz ważniejsze zróżnicowania regionalne i porównania międzynarodowe. Prezentowane dane umożliwiają kompleksowy opis sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej kraju z możliwością porównań retrospektywnych.
UAMS Academic Calendar UAMS Academic Calendar - Academic Year 2024-2025 UAMS Academic Calendar - Academic Year 2023-2024 UAMS Five-Year Academic Calendars UAMS Fall 2022 through Summer 2027 Archive Calendars Academic Calendars By College College of Health Professions College of Medicine College of Nursing College of Pharmacy College of Public Health…
Submission deadlines are based on the intended degree conferral date as follows: December 17, 2022 Conferral: December 2 Submission Deadline; May 20, 2023 Conferral: May 5 Submission Deadline; August 12, 2023 Conferral: July 28 Submission Deadline; December 23, 2023: December 8 Submission Deadline ; May 18, 2024: May 3 Submission Deadline
02.01.2023: 18.01.2023: raz w roku do 2 lutego 2023 r. z danymi za rok 2022 Z-06b Sporządzają jednostki należące do sektora przedsiębiorstw 02.01.2023: 02.02.2023: Z-10: Sprawozdanie o warunkach pracy: 2022: 1.23.09: 1 raz w roku
recently admitted students are required to complete the Annual Student Data Verification in the GUS student information system. This verification includes review of personal contact information, emergency contacts, the UAMS Financial Agreement and other compliance requirements.
Here are instructions for using GUS on your smartphone. For general instructions on how to use the GUS Student Information. For further instructions on how to use GUS to enroll in classes.