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  1. Create a MySchools account to get ready to apply to NYC public school for your child.

  2. Step 1 - Go to NYCSA (New York City School Accounts) - (if you do not have an NYCSA Account please contact your school for login information.) and sign into your account. Step 2 - Click on the MyStudent card on the left side of the screen towards the top.

  3. Enter your Account Creation Code provided by your Parent Coordinator (via email). Then click on “ Create Account ”. Congratulations! You have successfully created your account! Sign in to begin using your account and view your child’s information.

  4. 1. Visit and select the “Create Account” link found on the login page. 2. Enter your information to begin receiving notifications. You can create a basic account without an account creation code, but to link your student to the account, you'll need the code. 3.

  5. Learn more about the NYC Schools Account system. How to Create an Account. You can create an account online or in person. Online. You will need: NYC Schools Account Creation Code. Call (718) 935-2200 for assistance if you do not have a creation code; Your child's 9-digit student ID number; Create an NYC Schools Account. In Person

  6. 15 paź 2024 · Adding a Student to Your MySchools Dashboard. If you are a New York City resident applying to Summer Rising, Middle or High school, enter the students information which includes their Student ID (OSIS number) and, the Account Creation Code provided by the school's guidance counselor.

  7. how to create an account and use ., the DOE’s online school directory and application system. Your child’s welcome letter includes their unique MySchools account creation code. The middle school application is not yet open, but you can use MySchools now to explore

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