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  1. Greenhouse effect - Process by which gases in Earth’s atmosphere absorb and reemit infrared radiation (heat) emitted by Earth, thereby warming Earth’s surface.

  2. 1 wrz 2016 · The concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is increasing year on year as we burn fossil fuels, which enhances the natural greenhouse effect and warms the planet. To what extent, then, must CO 2 emissions be kept under control in order to restrict global temperature rise to within 2 °C?

  3. Solutions. With current technology, guess how much of our energy would need to be non-emitting (renewables, nuclear, etc.) by 2050 to stay within 2ºC of warming? 10a Introduction. Listen. Which solutions we deploy to deal with climate change is not decided by scientists, engineers, or economists—it’s decided by society as a whole.

  4. MIT — Climate Science, Ris & Solutions 7 Chapter 2 The greenhouse effect and us How it works Why does the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warm the planet? When the greenhouse gases (and clouds, which also act as greenhouse agents) absorb infrared radiation, they must re-emit radiation,

  5. For anyone who needs clear, detailed, well-evidenced information about global warming, this is an outstandingly useful book. ‘. . . an excellent basis for students and non-scientists to understand climate change with its manifold impacts and consequences for humankind and for our common planet.

  6. There are two main ways to stop the amount of greenhouse gases from increasing: we can stop adding them to the air, and we can increase the Earth’s ability to pull them out of the air. Doing both will help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

  7. Review of previous edition: 'This very readable and informative book is valuable for anyone wanting a broad overview of what we know about climate change, its potential impacts on society and the natural world, and what could be done to mitigate or adapt to global warming.

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