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  1. treatment of climate change science, impacts, and solutions, look no further than Sir John Houghton’s Global Warming. The former co-chair of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change brings the problem down to Earth, making it both understandable and engaging.

  2. Greenhouse effect - Process by which gases in Earth’s atmosphere absorb and reemit infrared radiation (heat) emitted by Earth, thereby warming Earth’s surface.

  3. The author goes on to describe the increasingly sophisticated climate models and the great differences between them and models for meteorological forecasting. Houghton also explores the impacts expected as the climate warms, including the actions and technologies that might limit those changes.

  4. There are two main ways to stop the amount of greenhouse gases from increasing: we can stop adding them to the air, and we can increase the Earth’s ability to pull them out of the air. Doing both will help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

  5. IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

  6. MIT — Climate Science, Ris & Solutions 7 Chapter 2 The greenhouse effect and us How it works Why does the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warm the planet? When the greenhouse gases (and clouds, which also act as greenhouse agents) absorb infrared radiation, they must re-emit radiation,

  7. Request a sample or learn about ordering options for Environmental Chemistry, 5th Edition by Colin Baird from the Macmillan Learning Instructor Catalog.

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