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  1. Guiding Questions. • What are greenhouse gasses? • What are the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? • Where does most of the energy on earth originate? • What happens to the energy once it reaches earth? • What is the greenhouse effect?

  2. Warm up: Describe what is happening in the image to the right. Shortwave energy from the Sun is being absorbed by the Earth. The Earth is emitting this heat (longwave energy) into the atmosphere. Gases in the atmosphere are absorbing and reemiting the longwave energy (heat). Part 1 - Vocabula...

  3. 10 wrz 2024 · The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.

  4. The Greenhouse Effect. Imagine a greenhouse made of glass used to grow plants, like flowers and vegetables. The greenhouse keeps the plants inside warm even when it’s cold outside because it traps heat from the sun.

  5. 5 dni temu · The Short Answer: How do we keep the right balance of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere? Scientists describe the carbon cycle in terms of sources (parts of the cycle that add carbon to the atmosphere) and sinks (parts of the cycle that remove carbon from the atmosphere).

  6. The greenhouse effect is the natural process of the atmosphere letting in some of the energy we receive from the Sun (ultraviolet and visible light) and stopping it being transmitted back out into space (infrared radiation or heat).

  7. 10 wrz 2024 · What is the greenhouse effect? How do we know the climate is changing? What is happening to the oceans? What else do we need to find out?

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