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  1. The greenhouse effect is a natural warming of both Earth’s lower atmosphere and Earth’s surface from solar radiation being absorbed and emitted by the atmosphere. The most widely...

  2. Are you preparing a presentation on climate change for class? Surprise your teacher with this professional template. It has green colors, connected to the environment, and includes pedagogical illustrations related to ecology. It has a guide index to help you focus your presentation.

  3. 2 The Greenhouse effect • A natural process in our atmosphere • Makes the climate hospitable = good thing • Sun radiates electromagnetic energy Ultraviolet light passes through atmosphere •...

  4. 4 The Greenhouse Effect The Greenhouse Effect • A natural process in which greenhouse gases absorb heat and release it slowly back into the atmosphere • Greenhouse gases do not trap energy...

  5. 25 lis 2020 · Download Full Presentation (PPT, 148MB) Updated: April 2021. Climate Central is presenting a new outreach and education resource for meteorologists, journalists, and others—a climate...

  6. PowerPoint Presentation. Description: We hear about greenhouse gases, but what exactly are they? Students explore the metaphors and models surrounding the causes of climate change through hands-on demonstrations and modeling. Skills & Objectives. SWBAT. • Explain how greenhouse gases trap heat.

  7. To stop climate change, we need to stop the amount of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, from increasing. For the past 150 years, burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests, which naturally pull carbon dioxide out of the air, has caused greenhouse gas levels to increase.