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  1. The Green Party of the United States. PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013 202-319-7191

  2. The Green Party supports livable wages, universal health care (Medicare For All), repeal of Citizens United, free higher education, student debt forgiveness, full reproductive rights for women, human rights for all immigrants and for LGBTs, and racial justice: Black Lives Matter!

  3. t. e. The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. [9] The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory democracy; grassroots democracy; anti-war; anti-racism.

  4. To learn about or contact your state Green Party click here. Register Green! Why Register Green | Where to Register. Facts about the Green Party. Along with the state Green Parties, the national party grants power within the party to identity caucuses: Latinx Caucus, Lavender Greens (LGBT), Youth Caucus, Black Caucus, and Women's Caucus.

  5. Green Party of the United States is a Political Organizations company located in Washington, District of Columbia with 42 employees. Find top employees, contact details and business statistics at RocketReach.

  6. Green Pages is the official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States. Its primary purpose is to address the needs of the Green Party, its members and its organizations on the national, state and local levels.

  7. The National Committee is the final decision-making body of the Green Party of the United States. It is composed of delegates from accredited state parties and caucuses. DELEGATES. • Materials: Delegate Introduction • Delegate Manual.

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