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Phone +1-888-473-3686. Mailing address BC Green Party PO Box 8088 STN Central Victoria BC V8W 3R7
- Putting People First
The BC Greens believe in building a better, more...
- About the BC Green Party
The work of BC Greens in government stems from early...
- Putting People First
BC Green Party. 18,841 likes · 559 talking about this. Authorized by BC Green Party (1-888-473-3686)
Green politics. The Green Party of British Columbia, or simply the BC Greens, is a provincial political party in British Columbia, Canada. It was founded in 1983 and is based in Victoria. The party won its first seat in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in the 2013 provincial election.
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5 dni temu · The BC Greens believe in building a better, more sustainable, and just British Columbia—together with the people who call this province home. That's why we're inviting you to take part in an important public survey that will help shape our priorities moving forward.
Our party is funded by grassroots supporters like you who chip in what they can, when they can. Most provinces have a provincial Green Party. Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Nova Scotia Saskatchewan Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec.
The work of BC Greens in government stems from early movements of environmental advocacy, social justice and sustainable economics. The party is a member of the Global Greens, a network of municipal, regional and national parties based on six core principles: Sustainability; Participatory democracy; Social justice; Ecological wisdom; Non-violence