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Males and females share four basic daytime calls. The most characteristic and frequent call is a loud, penetrating whistle that rises quickly and ends abruptly. This call may serve as a contact call between a mated pair or between parents and young. But it is also given as a warning if either parent spots an intruder or predator nearing the nest.
18 lip 2020 · Great crested flycatcher call / song / sound | bird | audio, clip, singing, noise, chirp, effect | Myiarchus crinitus, copetón viajero, somormujo cazamoscas,...
Listen to Great crested flycatcher on - a comprehensive collection of North American bird songs and bird calls.
7 kwi 2014 · Great Crested Flycatcher calling with others. This bird sounds like a parakeet.
What does a Great Crested Flycatcher sound like? Bird SoundsSounds Of Nature - Free Sounds
Great Crested Flycatcher: Calls include a burry breep, recalling a police whistle, and a more pure-toned rising weep. Dawn song is a burry wee-drr, repeated in alternating higher and lower pitches.
Migrates mostly at night. 9" (23 cm). Olive-brown head and back; clear gray throat and chest contrasting with bright yellow belly. Bright reddish brown in tail and wings, obvious when the bird flies. Bushy-crested look not always apparent. A loud, whistled, slightly buzzy wheep, sometimes repeated. Also a raucous whit-whit-whit-whit.