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Steel - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on December 1 of 2024. Steel decreased 581 Yuan/MT or 14.79% since the beginning of 2024, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity.
Argus Global Steel provides independent price assessments covering the most commonly traded steel products, including; flat, long, semi-finished and stainless steel. The service also offers market commentary, news, downloadable data and interactive customisable dashboards.
Platts Steel Data & Analysis delivers global in-depth import, export, raw material and downstream data, so you can understand key regional and global market activity and spot where you market is heading.
23 lis 2024 · SteelOrbis is the primary information source preferred by thousands of firms for its up-to-date steel prices, steel market analyses and forecasters, as it closely follows the main steel markets such as Turkey, US, Russia, the UK, Europe, the Baltic countries and China.
MEPS Steel Price Outlook is a detailed report with data focusing on the carbon steel market in Europe, North America and Asia. Here you will find five-year flat and long product steel price forecasts, as well as the latest steelmaking raw material cost projections.
12-month regional steel price forecasts across a range of steel products. Clear, concise monthly steel reviews offering detailed market analysis of flat and long products in 28 countries. The latest 5-year forecasts for international steel production and prices.
Get independently researched carbon steel prices for the worldwide carbon steel market. Get 3-years of historical steel price data as well as new prices each month for 12-months.