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OpenHistoricalMap is an interactive map of the world throughout history, created by people like you and dedicated to the public domain. OpenHistoricalMap collaboratively stores and displays map data throughout the history of the world.
'Scanned Images, Engravings and Pictures from Old Books' (searching via keyword for 'maps' produced 91 entries (the images enlargeable to high res.) of maps 'mostly scanned from old books, ranging in date from the 1500s up to the 1920s and early 1930s', featuring maps of the English counties (e.g. from Harmsworth's Encyclopaedia (1904) but also ...
The Library’s map collection contains over 1,000,000 sheets of maps, charts and plans as well as thousands of atlases. It is the largest map collection in Wales, and contains a wide range of materials from the latest electronic mapping to 16th century maps and charts on vellum.
The earliest recorded map specifically of Wales was a manuscript map by Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) produced in ca. 1205 and titled “Totius Kambriae Mappa”. This map is referred to in a letter of Gerald’s and several 17th century sources state that it was at Westminster Abbey.
Here we have a digitised selection of the National Library of Wales’s maps depicting Wales as a country. Prima Europe tabula (Map of the British Isles from Ptolemy's Geography, 1486) The oldest surviving geographical record of Wales; Cambriae Typus Humphrey Llwyd's map, the earliest printed map specifically of Wales; Saxton’s Proof Map of Wales
Strip road maps based on the earlier survey by John Ogilby plus a series of county maps of England and Wales. This series is often referred to as Owen/Bowen. First published in 1720 with further editions up to the 1750's. A completely new concept in aiding the 18th century traveller.