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Możesz kliknąć Edytuj (Edit), aby wprowadzić zmiany w tych danych, jeśli nie chcesz całkowicie usuwać ich z autouzupełniania. Jeśli chcesz usunąć wszystkie dane autouzupełniania z profilu Chrome, musisz wyczyścić dane przeglądarki. Aby to zrobić, kliknij three-dot menu icon > Settings.
Add, edit, or delete info: Add: Next to "Payment methods" or "Addresses," select Add. Edit: To the right of the payment method or address, select More Edit. Delete: Next to the payment method or...
W Chrome możesz zapisywać hasła, adresy i dane kart, aby ułatwić sobie automatyczne wypełnianie formularzy online. Dodatkowo podczas wpisywania informacji w nowym formularzu online Chrome może...
19 sie 2020 · For Google Chrome users, there’s one easy, time-saving shortcut you can use to save time online—Google Chrome autofill. You can use it to fill out passwords and other form data you’ve securely saved, such as addresses or credit card details.
23 paź 2024 · Enabling Chrome Autofill is easy. Here's how it works: Open your Chrome browser and click on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner. Go to " Settings," then scroll down to " Autofill." Here, you can choose what info Chrome should remember, like passwords, payment methods, and addresses.
3 paź 2024 · Google Chrome. To modify your autofill data in Google Chrome, follow the directions in these sections. The first section shows you how to access the autofill options, and the others show you how to edit them.
You can use Chrome to save passwords, addresses, and payment info to help you fill out online forms automatically. Additionally, when you enter info in a new form online, Chrome might ask you...