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Autor licznych prac poświęconych histologii układu nerwowego, twórca własnej szkoły histologicznej. Opracował nowe metody barwienia preparatów histologicznych (metody Golgiego). Odkrył strukturę komórkową, nazwaną na jego cześć aparatem Golgiego.
Bộ máy Golgi (hay còn được gọi là thể Golgi, hệ Golgi, phức hợp Golgi hay thể lưới) là một bào quan được tìm thấy trong phần lớn tế bào nhân chuẩn, kể cả thực vật và động vật (nhưng không có ở nấm). Nó được Camillo Golgi, một nhà giải phẫu học người Ý phát hiện vào năm 1898 được đặt tên theo tên của ông.
Camillo Golgi was an extraordinary scientist whose contributions in the domain of neuroanatomy proved to be critical for emergence of neuroscience as a sovereign scientific discipline. Golgi’s invention of the Black Reaction (La reazione nera) was a ...
Camillo Golgi (Italian: [kaˈmillo ˈɡɔldʒi]; 7 July 1843 – 21 January 1926) was an Italian biologist and pathologist known for his works on the central nervous system. He studied medicine at the University of Pavia (where he later spent most of his professional career) between 1860 and 1868 under the tutelage of Cesare Lombroso.
13 paź 2009 · In 1873, while he was chief physician in a hospital for chronic patients at Abbiategrasso not far from Milan, Golgi developed a method, the “black reaction” (known nowadays as the Golgi stain or the Golgi impregnation), which allowed for the first time a full view of a single nerve cell.
20 kwi 1998 · The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1906 was awarded jointly to Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal "in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system"
Biographie de CAMILLO GOLGI (1843-1926). Médecin et cytologiste italien, Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 1906 (conjointement à l'histologiste espagnol Santiago Ramon y Cajal) pour ses explorations de la structure fine du système nerveux central.