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  1. Go to and install the latest build. Extract the files and then open into a folder (I called mine GBE). Once you've done that, open the folder and find the steam_api.dll, steam_api64.dll, and steam_appid.

  2. If your game has an original steam_api(64).dll or older than may 2016 (On windows: Properties->Digital Signatures->Timestamp) you might have to add a steam_interfaces.txt beside my emulator library if the game isn't working.

  3. Here is the step by step of what I'm doing, and its problem: Take clean files, create steam_interfaces, overwrite api (64) dlls, launch game. Game launches. Take entire directory and copy it to another computer. On LAN (192.168..) game works fine and LAN multi game can be seen that was created by machine A by machine B.

  4. I stumbled upon Goldberg Emulator a little while back. It had support for Windows and Linux systems, but lacked support for macOS. So I rolled my sleeves and decided to give it a shot to compile a DRM-free Steamworks .dylib for macOS.

  5. Several methods were used to fix the issue: experimental steam_api with different options such as "disable_lan_only" and creating "load dll" folder with original files, making use of such a tool as "lobby_connect" was useless. For "Euro Truck Simulator 2", the error is the inability to connect to the lobby.

  6. Steam emulator for GNU/Linux and Windows that emulates steam online features. Lets you play games that use the steam multiplayer apis on a LAN without steam or an internet connection. --> Latest Build <-- If the latest git build doesn't work you can try one of the old Releases.

  7. If something doesn't work, feel free to create a pull request with the appropriate fix, otherwise ignore this fork and use the original emu.

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