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6 gru 2021 · At various times in the Doctrine and Covenants, the word Zion is used to designate a physical gathering place for the Saints (the city of Zion, for example) or as an identifier of the Lord’s people—“the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21).
Zion, to the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, means God's kingdom on earth. The philosophy of Zion is not the center of our message, how ever. Our message is Jesus Christ. But we believe Zion will be the result when a group of people are successful in applying his teachings to group living.
The word Zion appears repeatedly in all the books of scripture of the Church. In latter-day revelation, Zion is defined as “the pure in heart.” 1 In the early days of this dispensation, Church leaders counseled members to build up Zion by emigrating to a central location.
Zion refers to the Lord’s people who are of one heart and one mind and dwell together in righteousness (see Moses 7:18). We can establish Zion by building unity and spiritual strength in our homes, wards or branches, and communities.
Zion is a metaphor for a unified society of Latter Day Saints, metaphorically gathered as members of the Church of Christ. In this sense any stake of the church may be referred to as a "stake of Zion".
The key is to make the Lord our ally in all of this, building on faith, hope and charity. “Zion is established and flourishes because of the God-inspired lives and labors of its citizens. Zion comes not as a gift but because virtuous covenant people are drawn together and build it” (7).
15 lip 2024 · They are songs that belong to a new time; they belong to a new era; they belong to our people. They are songs sent from the throne of God as a gift to The Church of Jesus Christ. They are inspirational and related to Christ and His promises of the latter-day times and events.