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  1. Introduce the concept of God being truth by asking the kids to tell you how they know if something is true or false. Have one of the kids define the word true and the word false.

  2. 1 cze 2019 · Not only is God the Father Truth, but Jesus is Truth and He provides the only way for us to be forgiven of our sin. Read the memory verse (John 14:6) a few times together and do the motion for truth.

  3. Introduce the concept of God being truth by asking the kids to tell you how they know if something is true or false. Have one of the kids define the word true and the word false. Then, briefly talk through the punishments given to Adam, to Eve and to the serpent.

  4. This is an amazing series about God’s attributes. All children, even the preschoolers, can learn these wonderful truths about God: He is sovereign, holy, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and truth. The children will know the truth, and the truth will set them free! (From John 8:32.)

  5. Response: God is true. God is trustworthy. God wants us to know the truth. God loves us, etc. TRANSITION: Say, “Great discussion! Let’s work on a craft that will help us remember that God is true.” RESPOND — 15 MINUTES MATERIALS: | Truth Glasses Activity Page (1 per child) | Cardstock | Scissors | Markers | Glue |

  6. The “Truth Game” - Select a variety of objects or substances that have imitations, e.g. 2 look-alike drinking glasses, one made from glass, the other from clear plastic; a real plant and an imitation one; real pearls and imitation ones.

  7. How can you let the truth that is Jesus change your life? CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) As we pray, pray to yourself that God will give you a knowledge of the truth and a closeness to Jesus that will change the way you live.

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