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Przyczyny świecenia kontrolki SERVICE: Kontrolka Service jest nieokreślonym ostrzeżeniem, które może wskazywać tak prosty komunikat jak spóźniona wymiana oleju, lub poważną usterkę silnika.
Oferujemy kompletne i dostosowane do potrzeb Klienta rozwiązania dotyczące wyposażenia i obsługi stacji paliw. Jesteśmy wyłącznym partnerem w Polsce renomowanego producenta GILBARCO / VEEDER-ROOT. Nasza oferta spełnia wszelkie formalne wymagania polskiego Urzędu Miar, Urzędu Dozoru Technicznego i ochrony środowiska.
Welcome to the Go-Parts Help Desk. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as . If you are not able to find the answer you need, you can always use the Contact Form below, email us at [email protected] , or connect with us using the Live Chat button below Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Eastern Time.
service parts, your GO-4 dealer will always provide a complete range of genuine parts to give you prompt service. Note: All data and specifications contained in this catalog are based on the latest product information available at the time of issue and they can be changed without prior notice. Westward Industries Ltd.
Each section includes the essential removal, installation, adjustment and maintenance procedures for servicing your Interceptor II. This information is correct at the time of publication. TROUBLESHOOTING tables are included for systems to help you diagnose the system problem and find the cause.
Four 55-gallon composite tanks – three for oil and one for waste oil. The product tanks have filtered breathers; Three new oil systems featuring 5:1 air pumps, metered nozzles, in-line heavy duty filters, and ½” x 50’ spring rewind hose reels; Visual indicators on filter heads to show when the element needs replacing