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On this site you can learn the chords on the piano (or keyboard, synthesizer) plus the theory behind. Choose from the menus to get a piano chord in a certain category and for a specific note. The chords are illustrated with pictures and short explanations are given to increase your understanding.
- piano chord
Major chords. Major chords are the most common chords for...
- Minor chords
Besides the main chord, there are also Minor 7th chords...
- Seventh chords
Additional seventh chords. Here are the other three groups...
- Extended chords
How and when to use extended chords? 9th, 11th and 13th...
- Sus chords
Sus chords ”Sus” stands for suspension and what happens in...
- Dim chords
Dim chords “Dim” stands for diminished and what happens in...
- Aug Chords
Aug chords “Aug” stands for augmented and in a triad...
- Add Chords
Add chords. Added tone chords are major triads with an extra...
- piano chord
Poniżej znajdziesz tabelę akordów durowych a także molowych. Przydadzą Ci się na trzecim etapie nauki.
Chords for Sana - I Belong to the Zoo with easy-to-follow letter notes. Download MIDI and PDF files for different parts. Chords: G, D, Em, C, Gm; key of D with capo 0.
Gra na pianinie online. Użyj klawiatury swojego komputera lub kliknij w klawisze pianina aby zagrać. Górny rząd liter na Twojej klawiaturze odpowiada białym klawiszom pianina, a rząd cyfr - czarnym. Możesz zagrać kilka dźwięków jednocześnie.
Share, download and print free sheet music for Piano with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists, and other musicians with over 1,500,000 digital sheet music to play, practice, learn and enjoy.
Learn piano with predefined songs or upload your favorite song midi file to see how it's played on piano. Online piano is provided with almost all types of musical instruments, you can select instrument using instrument selection button. Above piano keys, chord buttons are given to play certain chords by pressing a single button.
4 kwi 2021 · We have an official Sana tab made by UG professional guitarists. Is this strumming pattern correct? Based on the live version