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English Spanish 3 Area: Education Field: Special Education Área: Educación Especialidad: Educación Especial Term Advocate Defensor Parts of Speech Noun Sustantivo Definition A person who represents and provides support to parents of children with disabilities. Una person a que representa y da apoyo a
TRANSLATION GLOSSARY English Spanish 1. Accommodation Arreglos 2. Administrative Data Sheet Hoja de información administrativa 3 Administrator of Special Education Administrador de educación especial 4. Age of Majority Mayoría de edad 5. Autism Autismo 6. Benchmarks Puntos de referencia 7.
This compilation of English – Spanish Special Education Terminology is designed to assist: • native speakers of Spanish who are interpreting for all of those involved with non-English speaking students of Special Education, and their parents.
21 maj 2019 · The Special Education English-Spanish Terminology glossary is for school interpreters and independent contractors who provide interpretation during student’s Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and other Special Education meetings at Davis School District (DSD). The reproduction of this glossary is permitted.
The present glossary which contains 682 terms is intended to bridge this gap by providing the interpreter and other bilingual professionals with the most commonly used special education terminology in English and Spanish.
/Special education term used to describe the written plan used to address problem behavior that includes positive behavioral interventions, strategies and support. May include program modifications and supplementary aids and services.
30 wrz 2011 · Included in this glossary, are more than 200 education- and disability-related terms that have been translated from English to Spanish by eighteen individuals involved in providing training and information for Spanish speaking families from dozens of countries.