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30 sty 2017 · The Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational ( package provides extension methods for this - you can use dbContext.Database.OpenConnection() or dbContext.Database.GetDbConnection() to get the DbConnection object.
26 lut 2021 · This article describes how to access and extract the connection strings from your Entity Framework (Core) database context objects. This is quite convenient if you need to display or log the connection string used for your current DbContext for some reason – or if you somehow form your DbContext objects dynamically, and need to verify which ...
12 lis 2024 · GetConnectionString requires the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration namespace. var conString = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("BloggingContext") ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Connection string 'BloggingContext'" +. " not found."); options.UseSqlServer(conString));
There are several ways to manage connection strings in EF Core 6/7. Use the DbContextOptionsBuilder class and configure the connection string directly in the OnConfiguring method of your DbContext class. This allows you to hardcode the connection string within your code, as shown below.
You can pass a full connection string to DbContext instead of just the database or connection string name. By default this connection string is used with the System.Data.SqlClient provider; this can be changed by setting a different implementation of IConnectionFactory onto context.Database.DefaultConnectionFactory.
16 lis 2020 · In this article let us look at how to Provide Database Connection String in Entity Framework(EF) Core Applications. The DBContext connects to the database using the Database Providers. These Providers requires a connection string to connect to the database.
In .NET Core Applications using Entity Framework Core, the connection string can be configured using the AddDbContextextension method which can be used in the Startup class using the IServiceCollection. In Entity Framework Core, connection string can also be configured to DbContext using ASP.NET Core MVC applications and .NET Core Console ...